
Artist, crafter, collector, gamer, lover of soft textures & big bows. Scorpio Sun & Moon, She/They, Neurodivergent, Chaotic/True neutral. Based in NSW, Australia.
Icon by MelynnRose

  • Why Plushie? They've been a source of comfort for me since I was a very small child. I initially used my irl name on social media and wanted to change it for privacy. Adding in a comforting identifier seemed a natural choice.

  • Neurodivergent? Yes, I'm low care need autistic, have adhd and ptsd, all diagnosed and currently being treated by meds and a mental health professional.

  • Isn't autism that thing guys have?/You don't look like you have autism. I'm what's categorised as Lv1 autistic, I can generally function in neurotypical society but have social challenges and often miss social cues. There's a lot more to it, but basically, social knowledge is learnt and often a challenge for me.

  • Adhd? You don't seem hyperactive. Hop inside my head and you'll think otherwise. It fluctuates between headache inducing hyperactive, and 'no thoughts head empty' (which is another one of the 2 types of adhd, aka inattentive. I'm a type which is a mix of both). Adhd is also not necessarily about a deficit of attention, its about having challenges regulating attention, along with a bunch of other symptoms. Its a relatively new diagnosis for me and learning more every day. Check out How to ADHD for more info.

  • What books do you like? Mostly fantasy, scifi, adventure, and maybe a tad of romance. I'm fond of middle grade novels too.

  • Art? Ohhh I've tried a lot, I'm an impatient bubble with minimal skill in a lot of things. Such is common in people with adhd.

  • What music are you into? Mostly instrumental and soothing asmr. It really depends on my mood. I've never been one to think of songs by their name, rather by the actual music